Back again, after a long time off.
So I’m kind of back.
The blog has been moved to a new server same as to it’s own domain – This cause some issues with the blog system (WordPress) but they should be fixed now.
I haven’t had time to keep the blog updated at all, since I have been working and trying to get the family life to work.
I have been developing a lot on same as small other side projects.
My router is up and running, same as the FTP and several virtual machines, ex. the one where this page is running.
Now that I am back I will try to update the page a bit more often.
Now that is clear, I can tell you I got my furniture yesterday, but I haven’t had time to put all the stuff together since I have been working 2x 16 hours shift – Hopefully when I get home this morning around 09.00 I will have the energy to start – The weekend will be spend on work as always even though it’s one of my best friends birthday same as my sons. Though after work Sunday, I will be going directly out to my son and celebrate his 4th birthday with him and Rannveig.
As for Christmas Alexander, Rannveig and I will be going to my parents place. I’ve made an agreement with work last year, that I would take most of the shifts between Christmas and New Year so I would be spared this year. So everything is going as planned and really looking forward going home to celebrate Christmas. As for New Year eve, we will get some of our good friends for a visit and Celebrate with them.
That’s around it for now, will as said try to keep you a bit more updated now I have gotten everything to work.