So it’s been some time since I wrote last – Time has been flying by since I have been working so much. Though this weekend has been rather relaxing, Friday morning after work Rannveig and I drove to Esbjerg to my parents since they had requested to have him in a weekend where they were both off from work, and that weekend seemed to be perfect.
I needed Rannveig to come with me, since I had a night shift and was not sure I could make the whole trip alone with Alexander. But it showed off to be no trouble at all, we were sitting and playing a strange “monkey” game, and Alex thought it was fun putting the monkeys on our ears, so we were sitting with Pink and Yellow monkeys on our ears when people walked by think they got a good laugh =D.
After delivering Alexander in Esbjerg, Rannveig and I went back to Copenhagen to the Tivoli there. It was actually very fun, even though I was tired like hell. But every time I got a bit too tired we took at trip in one of the amusements called Free Fall.
Else Saturday just went with completely relaxing, no phone nor anything – In the evening it was barbeque time and that went fine as well.