Moving for the “second” last time ;)
Rannveig and I have decided to move back in together – Which seems like a very good idea, since we have been enjoying all the time we have been spending together since we started our relationship again – This means I will be renting out my apartment in Malmö to my friend Morten also known as denully.
Financially this will make us twice as strong as now, since the apartment in Malmö is never used I spend all my time in Lund – So it will save us a lot of money renting it out until we decide to buy a house.
This means the sites / pages I have running on my home server will experience a little downtime while the different DNS servers update! The connection the server will be standing on will also improve since it will go from a 30/30 Mbit fiber to 100/100 Mbit fiber.
Those involved will be informed before I move the server, so we can do it as little painful as possible.