What’s going on?
The last few weeks we have been working intensely on getting the new Kazi Networks web-site up and running, this is the reason why I haven’t had much time posting lately.
What we have reached so far:
Basic code – 100%
BNC Control – 100%
Design – 100%
Game Hosting – 75%
Payment gateway – 95% (Accepting Paypal ”Visa, Mastercard”, still missing Payson)
Virtual Hosting System – 100%
Web shop – 100%
Since we have decided to relaunch our old HLTV system it will take a few weeks more to get done with Game System.
The Payment gateway wont be that big a problem, and it’s actually down prioritized for now, until the gaming system and the rest of the functions for the ”new” web page is done.
Furthermore the progress with the n3xt Gaming community is going brilliant – We have around 2.000-3.000 unique players online on our public server everyday same as for the War servers they have around 100-200 visitors. The web-page www.n3xt-gaming.com is spinning with 75-100 unique visitors pr day which is great compared with the size of the community.
So I’m still alive, just having a lot of things to do. The rest of my time is spend with my family – So everything is perfect on that front as well.
So everyone take care now, can’t guarantee I will post everyday again but I will try to post as often as possible.