Sorry for the instability lately

Sorry for the instability lately

As you might have noticed there has been a lot of errors since yesterday evening mainly those famous “Internal server error 500” on most web-pages hosted on hera. It started yesterday evening as mentioned when we switched from fcgid to fastCGI as a test to be able to enable a php caching module (php-apc) that only seems to be compatible with fastCGI. It all went very well for the first 2-3 hours (22.xx-01.xx) all pages had a decreased load time especially the WordPress installations.

Then the trouble started with the Internal server error 500. Around 02.00 all pages were running stable except, so I thought I’d go and get some rest since I could live with only our page being affected. When I woke up I saw that all pages were still running except of course, though there was still some random 500 errors on some pages. 09.45 I decided to switch back to fcgid to get all pages running stable again while I investigate why fastCGI keeps acting up like it did.
For those interested and those that might recognize the problem, this is the error that occur.
[ error ] [client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] (104)Connection reset by peer: FastCGI: comm with server "php5-fcgi-starter" aborted: read failed
[ error ] [client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "php5-fcgi-starter"

I’ve been googling around to see if anyone else had experienced this error and it seems like Google is flooded people having exactly the same problem. But it seems like no one has a solution for it.