Dear community,
We are pleasure to announce the immediate availability of i-MSCP version 1.3.15
which is a maintenance release for the 1.3.x Serie.
This new version addresses the following issues:
- Fixed: Unexpected wide character in 00_nameserver.conf Apache2 conffile, causing memory leak
- Added: iMSCP::Mount::getMounts() function
- Added: Missing iMSCP::Config::DESTROY() method
- Fixed: Could not delete domain due to duplicate mounts (See #IP-1679)
- Fixed: Don’t attempt to flush() when tied file is readonly or when deffered writing is disabled (iMSCP::Config)
- Fixed: Recursion must be optional in iMSCP::Mount::umount() (iMSCP::Mount)
- Removed: Unwanted `nofail’ option in iMSCP::Bootstrapper library
- Removed: Unwanted `nofail’ option in iMSCP::Config library
- Fixed: `/etc/mtab’ file not a symlink to `/proc/mounts’, leading to duplicate mounts (See #IP-1679)
- Removed: libdata-validate-domain-perl package from package files (provided module version 0.10 is too old)
- Fixed: Discard forwarded domains from list of shareable mount points
- Fixed: Unexpected error `VirtualFileSystem: Could not list directory’ when editing a forwarded domain, alias or subdomain
- Added: `admin_credentials’ and `admin_email’ reconfiguration items
- Added: iMSCP::Dialog::InputValidation library for ease of user input validation
- Added: preInstall() and postInstall() methods (autoinstaller::Adapter::AbstractAdapter)
- Enhancement: Try to guess WAN IP using ipinfo.io Web service
- Removed: `afterPreBuild’, `beforeBuild’ and `beforePostBuild’ events
- Renamed: `beforeInstall’ event to `preInstall` and `afterInstall’ event to `postInstall`
- Renamed: `beforePreBuild’ event to `preBuild’, and `afterBuild’ event to `postBuild’
- Fixed: Path must be cleaned before use in regexes (HTTPD servers)
- Fixed: Skip cleanup of custom.conf.tpl, index.html, vlogger.conf.tpl and php-fcgi-starter conffiles (HTTPD servers)
- Added: Data::Validate::Domain Perl module version 0.14
- Updated: Capture::Tiny Perl module from version 0.40 to version 0.44
- Updated: Net::Domain::TLD Perl module from version 1.74 to version 1.75
- #IP-1679 Duplicate bind mounts leading to un-deletable Web folders (Ubuntu < 16.04)
- #IP-1680 UTF-8 characters get corrupted on template processing (on web folder skeleton files)
You can download this new version at:
Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.
Source: i-MSCP release