Dear community,
WARNING – Before updating your i-MSCP installation, don’t forget to read the errata file WARNING
We are pleasure to announce the immediate availability of i-MSCP version 1.4.3 that is a bugfixes release for the 1.4.x Serie.
This new version addresses the following issues:
- Added: `class’, `default’ and `description’ attributes in distribution packages files for service alternatives
- Added: /etc/apt/apt/conf.d/01norecommend to avoid installation of recommended/suggested distribution packages
- Added: `*._PACKAGE’ variables in master conffile. Variables holding i-MSCP server class names
- Removed: FastCGI section in Apache2 domain.tpl vhost template (mod_proxy_fcgi is now available for all distributions)
- Removed: SSLCertificateChainFile Apache2 directive in domain.tpl vhost template file (no longer needed since Apache 2.4.8)
- Added: iMSCP::File::getAsRef() method – Method allowing to get scalar reference to file content
- Added: Servers::php class (doesn’t do anything yet – currently a child of Servers::noserver)
- Fixed: Couldn’t umount mounts that are in deleted state due to wrong regexp in iMSCP::Mount library
- Review: Mitigate IO operations by reading full fstab-like file in memory and by reusing same file object (iMSCP::Mount)
- Fixed: Install Apache2 (2.4.10) from backports repository (Ubuntu Trusty Thar)
- Fixed: Make sure that sendmail* packages are pre-uninstalled
- Added: Button allowing customers to force syncing of mailboxes quota info (Client interface)
- Added: Percent value for mailboxes quota usage (Client interface)
- Fixed: Datepicker is positioned below the location bar
- Fixed: Disabled htaccess, htgroup and htusers items wrongly reported as error in debugger interface (admin interface)
- Enhancement: Display a static warning to customer when at least one of his mailboxes is over quota (Client interface)
- Readded: Mailboxes quota usage information (Client interface)
- Changed: Default SQL user for servers/packages is now set to `imscp_srv_user’
- Fixed: `Access denied…’ SQL error when reusing same SQL user for all i-MSCP servers/packages
- Fixed: Allow for automatic generation of the passwords (whenever possible) in preseeding mode
- Fixed: Allow for automatic detection of the server public IP address in preseeding mode
- Fixed: Allow for automatic detection of the timezone in preseeding mode
- Fixed: composer.phar archive is not updated due to wrong working directory
- Fixed: Configures getaddrinfo(3) to prefer IPv4 during setup and update phases
- Fixed: Enforce usage of values from preseed.pl file in preseeding mode, even on reconfiguration
- Fixed: Make sure that SQL users set for i-MSCP servers/packages are not already used by customers
- Readded: Courier alternative for IMAP/POP servers (Debian Stretch)
- Updated: Add Referrer-Policy header to 40_apache2_security_headers.pl listener file
- Fixed: `Accessing a non-existing parameter: FILEMANAGER_PACKAGE` error when upgrading from 1.1.x Serie (Filemanager)
- Fixed: Can’t locate object method “getInstance” via package “MSCP::Service” (FrontEnd)
- Fixed: Package uninstallers must be idempotent
- Fixed: All in/out traffic not computed (imscp-srv-traff)
- Fixed: Authdaemond socket directory is still mounted in Postfix chroot after switching to Dovecot (Courier)
- Fixed: Disable control engine by default (ProFTPD)
- Fixed: `postfix’ user is still part of authdaemon group after switching to Dovecot (Courier)
- Fixed: Run ProFTPD server under `proftpd’ user instead of `nobody’ user (ProFTPD)
- Fixed: SQL user not removed after uninstallation (PO and FTPD server impl.)
- Fixed: When switching to another FTPD server implementation, uninstallation of old FTP server must be triggered
- Fixed: When switching to another PO server implementation, uninstallation of old PO server must be triggered
- Fixed: Ask administrator to uninstall plugins prior running i-MSCP uninstaller
- Fixed: General uninstallation failure due to wrong SQL query in imscp-uninstall script
- IP-1707 Getting Error when trying to change e-mail forwarder due to wrong quota value
- IP-1709 Protected area users/groups management – Groups list is truncated to first group
- IP-1710 Password field of client prepopulated when called from reseller
- IP-1711 Error while using preseed file with empty BASE_SERVER_PUBLIC_IP parameter
- New features or minor changes/bugfixes
- Changes that can affect 3rd-party components (plugins, listener files…)
- Major changes or important bugfixes
You can download this new version at:
Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.
Source: i-MSCP release