Google Adsense <-- One Big laugh!
I just recently received this letter from
Hello Glenn B Jakobsen,
While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage
our advertisers in the future, we have decided to disable your account.
Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
realise the inconvenience that this may cause you and we thank you in
advance for your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions about your account or the actions that we
have taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more
information by visiting
Yours sincerely,
The Google AdSense Team
Okay fine – But since Im doing to much damage why don’t you disable your ads on my page? It’s nice going since you’ve never made a payout to me. Are you really that threatened of haha.
Btw. I will disable the google ads on my page manually since it seems you’d like to still earn money from your AdWords advertisers while not paying me for showing their commercials ;). Wonder why Google has such a big profit?
I received this answer to my appeal:
Hej Glenn!
Tack för att du gav oss mer information. Vi har noga granskat din
kontoinformation och övervägt dina synpunkter, men har åter bekräftat att
ditt konto utgör en betydande risk för AdWords-annonsörer. Därför kan vi
inte godkänna din ansökan om att återinföra kontot. Tack för din
Vi vill påminna dig om du inte ska svara på detta e-postmeddelande om du
har ytterligare frågor om ditt konto eller åtgärder som vidtagits. Du
hittar istället mer information på
Med vänliga hälsningar
Google AdSense-teamet
Still wondering what Risk I do haha. – Nice going Google, maybe Bing is the way forward.