OneLogin confirmed this week an attacker took advantage of a bug in its system and was able to view sensitive notes, thought to be secure, posted by users. Source: Threatpost
OneLogin SecureNotes Breach Exposes Data in Cleartext

OneLogin confirmed this week an attacker took advantage of a bug in its system and was able to view sensitive notes, thought to be secure, posted by users. Source: Threatpost
Security researchers caution mixing vulnerability disclosure with stock market bets set a troubling precedent. Source: Threatpost
When hackers infiltrated Dropbox in 2012 they made off with credentials for roughly 68 million users. Source: Threatpost
Linux admins are reporting attacks against webservers resulting in the deletion of web folders, reportedly by attackers using a ransomware variant called Fairware. Source: Threatpost
Hi everyone, We bring to your attention this update with a batch of enhancements and the occasional bugfix intertwined. It is interesting to note that the enhancements vs. bugfix ratio…