A SQL injection vulnerability is being blamed in the hack of 800,000 users accounts for popular gaming forums run by Epic Games. Source: Threatpost
Epic Games Forums Hacked, SQL Injection Vulnerability Blamed

A SQL injection vulnerability is being blamed in the hack of 800,000 users accounts for popular gaming forums run by Epic Games. Source: Threatpost
Fresh from targeting banks in Poland, the banking Trojan GozNym has begun taking aim at banks in Germany. Source: Threatpost
New academic research shows that security warnings should be better timed to pop up when computers users are less likely to be multitasking. Source: Threatpost
Obihai Technology recently patched a slew of issues in its ObiPhone IP phone products that could have led to memory corruption, a buffer overflow, and denial of service conditions, among…
Macro-based attacks are a dime a dozen, but a new Hancitor variant illustrates how cybercriminals are upping their game when it comes building more sophisticated malicious attachments. Source: Threatpost