Lately it has become a bad habit with network faults at Not only do they do false marketing, but they have no idea on how to manage their network.…
Network: Downtime due to fault at

Lately it has become a bad habit with network faults at Not only do they do false marketing, but they have no idea on how to manage their network.…, my nemesis. You can always count on them to fail, and fail they do badly to often and then again. I have no words, other then if I was…
Nothing new in this matter yet again had a major break down in their Network. It has started to become unbelievable frustrating that no one can do anything about…
ViaEuropa has yet again proven to be a fake company. They have been running a campaign about being able to provide Gigabit (1000 Mbit) to everyone living within LKF. This…
ViaEuropa yet again seems to be suffering from major network issues. They were suppose to upgrade their internal network today at 12.00 (12.00PM) – 13.00 (01.00PM) to 10 Gbit/s with…